Product packaging plays a huge part in the marketing process. Understanding what is packaging in marketing and effectively implementing it in your product requires time and a certain level of market expertise. Also, packaging type and design not only change depending on the type of product you are selling but also on your mode of selling and the audience you are selling to.
One of the best ways to ensure that your packaging design speaks for your brand while also doing justice to the product is by bringing in some experts. Digital marketing agencies can step in and figure out all the technicalities for you so you can keep your focus on staying true to your brand and creating the best product for your customer.
In this guide, we will learn what is packaging in marketing and how to evaluate a packaging design.
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What Is Packaging Of A Product In Marketing?
If you are wondering how can packaging of a product have any impact on its marketing strategy, you might want to rethink. How you pack a product can be a huge deciding factor in how well you sell the product. The packaging of a product must embody the values of the brand while also being practical in use and design.
For example, packing condiments in bottles and jars makes more sense in terms of usability and storage than packing them in cartons or tin cans.
Customers have certain design expectations from products, so meeting those and creating the right impression can greatly impact your product marketing campaign.
Steps To Evaluate Packaging Branding Design
Branding and packaging require time and effort. You need to go through a thorough process of understanding the practicality of the design process.
Step 1: Understand The Product
The initial stage should always be one where you and the team designing the packaging work on understanding the product, its purpose, its buyer, and its primary selling outlet. The packaging and branding of the product will vary depending on all these factors. So to correctly choose practical packaging, you will need to understand the product you are selling.
Step 2: Choose The Right Package
Once you understand everything you need about your product, you can pick the right package. Products like pizza, cakes, and even some premium cookies are usually packed in boxes and delivered right away. But if your product needs more sturdy packaging, you can consider metal boxes, tins, or containers.
For more liquid-based items, you must consider bottles. Now even with bottles, there are various types among them. Bottles for storing juices differ from bottles for storing condiments, and they differ from bottles for storing shampoos and moisturizers. The use of your product and its consistency will guide you in picking the right type of packaging.
Step 3: Branding And Designing
Now that you have the physical vision of the product packaging in your head, it’s time to get creative. Line up your most creative minds and graphic designers, and start designing the look and feel of the product. You can start with a color in your mind or build your design around your brand logo.
Take the Lays packaging, for example. Each flavored chips get its own unique color, but the look and overall design of the package remain constant. You have the logo at the top center, the name of the flavor below that, and the visual representation of the product at the bottom to complete the look. Even when they introduce special editions or new flavors, they don’t change the entire design, just the color of the packet.
So when you are designing the packaging of a product, you must ensure that you are staying true to your brand. The design should be simple and unique, and it should speak for the product inside.
Step 4: Print Design
Once you have your design ready, it’s time to bring out the printers. It is always a good idea to start small. So print a few sample designs to see how the design looks on the packaging. This is an essential stage because here, you might change your mind and might have to redo a lot of the design. The design you had in mind, or even the one your saw on your screen, might not look the same on the actual packaging of the product. This is why printing samples will give you a clearer idea of whether your vision matches the audience and represents your brand well.
Step 5: Get Feedback
The samples you print are great for getting real feedback on. You can either run those by people in your company who haven’t actively worked on the design, or you can even give those out to people who might be your target audience. The feedback you get at this stage will help you make better decisions for your product.
Putting your product out in the world is a huge step for any brand. Understanding what is packaging in marketing and how to effectively plan your product marketing is important. You might benefit from working with a marketing agency like ours that will help you with your branding journey.