8 Ways To Increase Sales On Instagram

How To Boost Sales On Instagram?

Businesses worldwide use the power of social media, especially Instagram, as a platform to sell products. Brands and companies of all sizes, from local home-grown brands to big e-commerce websites, are selling on Instagram to target the right audience and drive sales.

As it is an excellent marketing channel, in this article, we will show you how to grow your business on Instagram so that your brand does not miss out on the massive opportunity of selling on Instagram.

How To Increase Sales On Instagram?


Instagram is a powerful tool to build your brand and community and increase sales online. But to tap into and utilize it to its maximum potential requires strategy, continuous efforts, and engaging content. There is no shortcut to success on Instagram, as more than billions of users are on the platform. Here are ways to boost your sales on Instagram:

Post Compelling Images

Instagram is mainly used to share visual content. Therefore, it is essential for the images shared on Instagram to be of excellent quality and catch the eye of the user as they scroll through the feed.

Users are first drawn to a brand’s Instagram page by the page’s visually appealing content. If you do this, you may increase brand awareness and revenue on the platform.

With the advent of high-quality smartphone cameras, professional-grade DSLRs and other costly equipment are no longer necessary to capture amazing photographs. However, brands need to be conscious of a few factors to choose visually acceptable images, such as those lit by natural light or having a calming backdrop that does not detract from the product.

Grow Authentic And Organic Followers

To increase selling on Instagram, the first and foremost thing a brand needs to understand is its target audience and followers. Until and unless the brand does not understand its real audience, it cannot cater to and offer products that the audience is looking for.

To increase engagement and awareness, it is equally essential to engage with the followers via comments, reposting or liking their posts. This exercise of maintaining a rapport with followers will translate into actual engagement.

Also, to manage an active presence on the platform and engage on all the posts, brands must take advantage of social media scheduling tools to post at an optimal time every day, reply to all comments, and increase user engagement.

Put Some Thought Into Captions

Captions and hashtags are still relevant. Brands can take advantage of optimizing the keywords in the captions. It is a great place to let the customers know more about the products and add CTA or mention how interested customers can buy your products.

One way is to redirect buyers to the link in the bio. The second way is to reply to DMs and consistently reply to all the enquiries coming your way.

Post Customer Feedback and Reviews

This is another excellent strategy for how to boost sales on Instagram in a way that will build trust and loyalty for the brand by the users. In addition, the brand can promote content on its business Instagram page. This will let your audience know that your customers love your products.

The easiest way to include this in your brand strategy is by reposting the stories or posts by your customers. Reviews are essential for every business. It will increase user engagement on your page and provide users with authentic customer reviews regarding the products. This is true regarding make-up, clothes, utility products etc.

Turn Your Insta Page Into A Storefront

It is a fact that GenZ these days shop a lot on Instagram stores. This is an excellent opportunity for home-grown brands to feature their product offerings via stories, posts etc. To welcome new followers as a part of the strategy, offering free shipping on the first order or a 10% promotional discount offer is an excellent opportunity to grab customers’ attention.

Also, selling through Instagram stories allows you to create highlights of the new products added, restocks, bestsellers, sales, etc., to promote the Instagram business page. At the same time, Instagram also allows brands to tag products that let users directly purchase within the app.

This feature creates the maximum impact on the users due to the feasibility of adding the products to the cart while browsing Instagram stores. In addition, adding links and product prices is the most direct way of leading users to the site to increase sales.

Brand Image

The business Instagram page should resonate with the users and target audience. Therefore, be consistent with the images, branded hashtags in every caption, etc., which should represent the brand which and accelerate the popularity and awareness of the brand.

The company’s brand policies and mission must resonate in the product offerings of the brand.

Use Instagram Ads

Instagram’s algorithm keeps updating, and growing on Instagram only with organic efforts is difficult. Running Instagram ads for promotion and campaigns should equally be important for brands as a part of their marketing strategy.

To grow on Instagram and stay ahead of the competition, brands can test an ad for a few days with a small budget to see how the products perform after the ad.

Advertising on Instagram can help you reach a new target audience and, at the same time, cater to potential customers who are interested in buying your products. It is a fantastic strategy for new businesses as the brand reach and awareness increase among the audience.

Reach Out To Influencers

Influencer marketing is one of the most common strategies brands adopt for selling on Instagram. This is because influencers already have an established bunch of followers who trust them and look forward to their product recommendations.

An influencer marketing strategy can lead to high traffic and engagement, eventually leading to conversions and sales.

Often influencer marketing can sometimes come across as fake and pretentious. But, the brands must ensure that the influencers provide honest feedback about the products to the customers. Only genuine feedback and reviews can excite a user about buying a product.

The whole point of influencer marketing should be to present the products creatively by showing the USP and the usefulness of the brand.


In the end, selling on Instagram is a mix of marketing efforts and opportunities that brands make, making a huge difference. In addition, social media is constantly evolving, and the algorithm keeps changing. So, the ideal tactic to grow business on Instagram is essential to convert potential customers into sales and retain existing customers with various offers and discounts.

These tips on boosting sales on Instagram will help you find your holding in the ground and be successful on the platform.

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Sonam Badia