What Is Technical SEO & It's Importance? (2024)

What Is Technical SEO?

All individuals on Google experiment with underutilized SEO tactics in an effort to enhance their search rankings. And fortunately, some of those techniques work! However, if your technical SEO isn’t immersed well, then your site may not rank at all.

Technical SEO holds a significant role in boosting your performance on result pages. It helps Google or search engines to access your site to bring it to the top. If you do not know what’s technical SEO, this blog will walk you through the complete guide to optimize your sites.

What Are Technical SEO Services & Its Importance?


Technical SEO services are responsible for ensuring that websites meet the technical requirements of search engines. The basic elements of technical SEO services are finding, indexing, rendering, and crawling the site. But that’s scratching the surface. This implies that achieving successful indexing by a search engine does not signify the completion of your tasks. For your site to be completely optimized and rank on SERP, it should be mobile-optimized, HTTPS-secured, original content with excellent loading speed. However, since adapting technical SEO makes the accession process easier for Google, it becomes an important aspect of ranking. In addition to that, it also saves you from losing your potential customers and revenue to your business.

What Are The Methods To Improve Your Technical SEO?

Improving technical SEO is important to new as well as old websites, as it can also make you lose your potential customers along with degrading rankings. Here are different ways to do it.

  • Site architecture
  • XML sitemaps
  • URL structure
  • Structured data
  • Duplicate content
  • Thin content
  • 301 redirects
  • 404 pages
  • Canonical tags
  • Hreflang
  • Find Indexing Issues

We are explaining some fundamental yet significant aspects of the list mentioned above. These are helpful and effective for people who run a profitable business. So, there’s no need to fret over using these methods if you run a small blog site.

Site Structure

Site structure is how your website is organized. When it’s about deciding on one structure that makes your website user-friendly and also chosen by Google is a “Flat” structure. Flat structure assists search engines in crawling your website effectively from in and out to top and bottom. However, not all site requires structure, and therefore, the flat architect technique is used by particular businesses like e-commerce, which encompasses thousands of product pages.

URL Structure

URL structures are like site structures that also help users understand their whereabouts on the website. Therefore, creating a consistent and logical URL structure is significant. The URLs are usually made based on the categories you have on your site. The structure makes it easier for Google to understand the different categories with their context.

Look For Pages With Indexing Issues

Spoting pages that the Google search engine is trouble crawling can improve your technical SEO remarkably. You can manually look for the pages and articles to find out if your website is having a hard time indexing the pages. The best way to do it is using this formula: site: “blog or page link” and then press enter. If you see the page on the result page, it means that it’s indexed.

The advanced way to spot indexing issues within your website is by using certain tools like coverage reports, screaming frogs, and Semrush site audits. These tools offer the overall site performance report and demonstrate the general site’s technical SEO health.

Submit Sitemaps To Google

A sitemap is typically an HTML file of all the page’s links that are on your website. This is one of the methods Google utilizes to understand the site’s context. Sitemaps help spectacularly to those who have numerous site pages that are not well-linked. You can submit sitemaps through the Google search console in a minute.

Remove Thin & Duplicate Content

Google prioritizes the sites with unique and valuable content as they are more likely to get revisits. There are two tools that do a fantastic job of purging your site from unwanted content: Raven and Semrush site audit tools. Raven scans your site to discover duplicate content and pages with low word count. This way, along with the cleansing, you also have content that needs to be updated. In comparison, the Semrush site audit tool has a content quality section that not only shows you duplicate content but also plagiarised content. Consider removing both to improve the site’s ranking.


Now you know what technical SEO is. However, the one thing you don’t know is that you need to keep monitoring your site’s technical SEO health to ensure it’s facing no issues. Yes! Using a tool like Semrush site audit helps in accessing your site’s performance report to estimate the growth. Additionally, this tool monitors over 140 technical SEO issues. So, you can even retrieve the unnoticed errors to boost the ranking.

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Shivani Rai