HTML Anchor Tag: What Is Anchor Text And Its Impact On SEO?

What Is Anchor Text And Its Impact On SEO?

Links help viewers jump from one web page to another, allowing them to find more information about the products and services on the brand page. Thus, links provide a unique user experience to readers. If you are wondering what HTML anchor tag are and how they impact SEO, let us find out in this article. Let us first learn about anchor texts.

What Are Anchor Texts?

Anchor texts are clickable links, hyperlinks done on a related word so that a viewer can move from one webpage to another. Anchor texts must be clear and straightforward. A reasonable anchor tag will help the search engine crawl the page, understand the content, and influence the page’s ranking.

importance of anchor text in seo

The clickable text’s URL provides relevant information about the tagged page. To enhance the user experience, the highlighted text should be precise so that it helps the reader understand what the linked page is all about.

Why Are Anchor Texts Important For SEO?

As the meaning of the anchor text is clear to you, let us see why it is essential for SEO. The hyperlink helps the search engine improve the page’s ranking. The Google Algorithm analyzes and understands the website structure. Therefore, the more descriptive and relevant the link is, the more helpful it is.

To enhance SEO rankings, Google Algorithm recommends the following:

  • Try to keep the text precise and concise
  • Avoid keyword stuffing
  • Avoid keywords like ‘Click here’

Types Of Anchor Texts

  • Exact Match: This type of anchor text uses the keyword or phrase the linked page is trying to rank for. For example, if you’re linking to a page about “best hiking boots,” the anchor text might be “best hiking boots.”
  • Partial Match: Partial match anchor text contains the keyword, but it’s not an exact replica of the target keyword. For instance, if the target keyword is “best hiking boots,” the partial match anchor text could be “check out these top hiking boots.”
  • Branded: Branded anchor text includes the brand name of the linked website. For example, “Visit Nike” is a branded anchor text if it links to Nike’s website.
  • Naked Link: A naked link anchor text is simply the URL, such as “”
  • Generic: Generic anchor text uses generic terms like “click here,” “read more,” or “learn more.” While not providing specific SEO value, they can be helpful in user experience.

Best Practices To Follow For Anchor Text

Below are some of the best practices for HTML anchor tag:

  • Relevant: Your anchor text should be appropriate for the page and the information it links to.
  • Variety: Search engines will see your anchor text as more natural if you use a mix of different phrases and keywords. This will help you prevent over-optimization.
  • Be Wary of Excessive Optimization. Search engines may penalize sites that use excessive exact-match anchor texts. Diversity is preferable.
  • Anchor text should be written to flow organically with the content. Leave out the cliches and avoid using them.
  • To optimize for mobile devices, check that your anchor text displays correctly and is clickable.

How To Optimize HTML Anchor Tag For SEO?

  • Value Oriented: The highlighted text must provide value and benefit to its readers. For example, “Learn Time Management Techniques” is more enticing than “Time Management Article.”
  • Stand Out Visually: The hyperlink text, font, and colors can be underlined with different colors. When the anchor text is visually attractive and distinct with different colors, it will help the users recognize and click the link easily.
  • Mobile Optimization: Consider how anchor text appears on mobile devices with limited space. Keep it concise and impactful for smaller screens. For Example, ‘Discover the Latest Trends” works better than a lengthy sentence.
  • Keyword Stuffing: Avoid over-optimization and keyword stuffing; Google can consider it spammy. For example, for a blog about “Best Coffee Shops in Seattle,” use anchor text such as “Top Seattle Coffee Shops” or “Seattle’s Best Cafes.”
  • Do Not Repeat: Do not hyperlink the same web pages or product in the same blog. It is recommended that different and fresh information be provided through various anchor texts.
  • Test & Monitor: Use various analytical tools like Google Analytics to check the performance of the anchor texts. Adjust and refine based on which anchor texts drive the most engagement.


If you follow these guidelines, your anchor text will be optimized to help users by making relevant, easy-to-navigate links to important content. Remember that your blog’s visibility in search engine results and the user experience are two sides of the same coin.

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Sonam Badia