What Is Heatmap & Its types?

What Is Heatmap?

Satisfying user experience should be your top priority if you want your website to grow. If users are pleased with the content you provide on the site, they are more likely to revisit it, increasing engagement. A heatmap helps understand the user’s interest and improves your website’s performance. The blog will walk you through a detailed guide on the heatmap and its types to understand users’ actions and enhance your website’s performance.

What Is Heatmap For Websites?

what is heatmap

A heatmap is a graphic representation of data showing the user’s website behaviour. It visually represents everything from where they have navigated to whether they have paused. Heatmap uses a system of colour coding to demonstrate each value.

Since the website’s heatmap informs which part of the site receives the topmost clicks, you can use this information to improve the page design. This ensures that the paramount content is located in the most visible areas. So, if you are looking for ways to learn how your users interact with your websites, the heatmaps are a great place to start.

Heatmap metrics show the data in more than two colours, indicating each element’s value. It includes red, green, yellow, and blue. Once the metric is revealed on the screen, the area of the pages will be color-coded according to their importance. The most clicked part of sites will be at the brightest, while the less-clicked elements will have faded colours.

Different Types Of Heatmap Site

Knowing more about a heatmap is natural once you know what a heatmap is. You must discover different types of heatmaps to leverage their full potential.

1. Click Heatmaps

Click heatmaps keep the record of where users have clicked on the website. It shows the integral part of the site, where the clicks are at maximum. Through this, you can also see the areas of the site that are less clicked to know the value of each.

2. Mouse Movement heatmaps

As the name says, mouse heatmaps record mouse movement on the site. It is effectively helpful in understanding where the users hover, hesitate, and thrash their cursor. It is one of the informative heatmaps as it is believed that where the mouse cursor is placed, visitors are looking right there seeking information.

3. Scroll Heatmaps

Like how the click heatmaps represent the area of the site users have clicked, the scroll heatmap represents the site users have scrolled the most. It goes like how many visitors scrolled through a page to the bottom or how many scrolled to the bottom but stopped in between.

4. Conversion Heatmaps

Conversion heatmaps act when the user completes the desired action, such as making a purchase, clicking on CTA, and signing up for a newsletter. Use this information to evaluate the visitors’ navigation and the reason for taking the desired result.

5. Eye Tracking Heatmaps

Eye-tracking is the most intruding heat map among the others. It tracks the eye movement of the users on a webpage and understands their interests. Sounds cool, isn’t it?

How To Read Heatmaps For Website?

The heatmap looks analogous to the temperature heatmap you see on TV. On the temperature heatmap, red typically represents the hotter weather and blue the coldest. Similarly, the website heatmap shows the brightest colour representing a more considerable value and the darker colour depicting a lower value.

Things To Learn From A Movement Heatmap:

  • If the users are quickly engaging with the pivotal part of the content, like buttons, links, and text, they are placed right.
  • If anything around the website’s hot area distracts the users, it’s better to relocate that element.
  • Check if forms are making sense to the visitors. If the website includes more than 2 fields, ask yourself if removing them will make sense.


Heatmap analytics give you an insight into user behaviour not provided by any analytics tools yet. You will likely offer better service once you understand your audience’s interest through the website heatmap. Improving your website interface for users is one of the primary sources of website traffic that helps increase engagement and conversion rates.

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Shivani Rai